shop FAQs

  • Do you offer free shipping?

    As a growing business, I cannot offer free shipping yet. Thank you for understanding.

  • When will you ship out my order?

    I take up to 2-3 days to process orders. During the holiday season, it may take about 3-5 days before shipment.

  • When can I expect my order?

    Domestic orders should arrive within 3-5 days and international up to 1 month. Please keep in mind these shipping times are estimates as the time of arrival depends on the carrier.

  • I received a shipping confirmation, but my package was not delivered.

    More often than not, USPS incorrectly updates the tracking. Your item may still be on the way or lost in transit. If such is the case, please contact me for further assistance.

  • Do you offer additional sizes for prints?

    Yes. Please contact me for more information.

  • Do you offer commissions?

    At the moment, I am available for business inquiries, brand collaborations, and commercial work, but unfortunately, I am not accepting personal commissions. Custom art listings may be available in the future.

art FAQs

  • Which app or program do you use?

    I work in the Procreate App with an iPad Pro & Apple Pencil. Occasionally, I use Adobe Photoshop.

  • What brushes do you use?

    I use RetroSupplyCo brushes almost exclusively.

  • What are your favorite art materials?

    If I am not creating art digitally, I enjoy using Holbein Acryla Gouache and Caran d'Ache water-soluble wax oil pastels.

  • Where do you find inspiration?

    My biggest art influences are Mary Blair, Rolly Crump, and Tom Oreb.

  • How did you develop your style?

    My artistic development is continuous, but one thing is consistent, I infuse as much of my personality as possible into each piece. Everything I create is personal, nostalgic, and inspired by the things that bring me joy. I want to see myself in everything I make.

  • When did you start drawing?

    I cannot recall a moment in my life when I wasn't drawing. I started from a very young age, obsessively drawing mermaids and Disney characters. Not much has changed. I started MareBearPress in November of 2020 as a way to share my art professionally.